Yoga & Education

I am an Advanced Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher with a background in Senior Leadership for Teaching and Learning. I am deeply optimistic and concerned with enabling, encouraging and engaging previously excluded students in a full and healing curriculum. 

My speciality in education was embedding Speech and Language across the full curriculum, thereby ensuring all students could access the learning and experience joy and nourishment as they began to realise their actual potential, often for the first time. The results mirrored the students' new found accomplishments and Rapid and Sustained Achievement was obtained in the three schools where I trained staff in these methods.  Two of these schools were private sector schools for students with complex emotional and behavioural needs. 

Luminous Warrior Yoga is a deeply nourishing and healing practise with the gift of Yoga not only ‘on the mat’ but essentially, Yoga ‘off the mat’ and into the daily lives of our young people.  Alongside Yoga, qigong and meditation, their tool bag will include a range of calming breathwork to bring them back into their relaxed Ventral Vagal response; and practical applications to recognise the first signs of agitation in their physical bodies from where they will be able to process and transform their responses in a positive and healing way.  These healing modalities are scientifically proven, and have been beautifully transformative in my own life;  I am so excited to bring this extensive, holistic, program to young people as they begin their journey into independence. I am particularly excited that staff and students alike will be walking together on this healing journey.  

My Qualifications


  • Advanced Yoga Teacher - 300 Hours Luminous Warrior (Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, Trauma & Nervous System Regulation & 12 Keys for Exceptional Living ) Certification from Yoga Farm Ithica, a Yoga Alliance registered school. 

  • Qualified Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher - 200 Hour Radiant Warrior Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training Certification from Yoga Farm Ithica, a Yoga Alliance registered school.


  • ELCISS Specialist level in Speech, Language & Communication (Professional Development) - Cambridge University

  • Qualified English Teacher - University of Gloucestershire

  • BA Hons in English, Journalism & Print Media (2.1) - University of East London

  • HND Journalism (Merit) - University of The Arts London

  • Access to Media (Distinction) - Barking College


  • Grade 2 Buddhism - from SGI-UK, covering the principles of Nichiren Buddhism

  • Buddhist Festival Facilitator - Co-manager of the Buddhism Marquee at Glastonbury Festival for 5 years

  • Buddhist Leader - Able to lead workshops and support others with their practice 

  • Certified in Sustainable Nutrition for Optimal Health - University of Winchester

  • Qualified Zumba Instructor